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All Bertolli sold in the UK uses certified, sustainable palm oil. As a responsible brand, we are committed to ensuring that the palm oil in Bertolli is from sources that respect human rights, no deforestation and climate change impacts with public acknowledgement by NGOs.

What does ‘certified, sustainable’ mean?

The palm oil used in Bertolli in the UK is 100% physically certified by the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil).

RSPO, founded in 2004, brings various players in the palm oil sector to a common discussion table to develop and implement standards for sustainable palm oil. Its stakeholders include plantation companies, processors and traders, consumer goods manufacturers, retailers, financiers, and civil society groups from countries that produce, as well as use, palm oil.

The World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)Gregory Bardies, market transformation manager at WWF, says that RSPO certification is “the best in class among standards” when it comes to certifying sustainable palm oil.