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Bertolli Light

bertolli light

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Bertolli Light is perfect for food lovers who want to enjoy living and eating, but cut down on fat a little. With all the same full Mediterranean flavour as Bertolli Original, but 36% less fat than our regular spread.

It’s delicious spread on fresh Italian bread or in your favourite Italian sandwiches.

Bertolli Light contains 77% less saturated fat than butter.

bertolli light


Water, Vegetable oils (rapeseed, sunflower), Olive oil(10%), Coconut fat, modified starch, Salt(0.8%), emulsifiers (mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids, lecithin), Preservative (Potassium sorbate), Buttermilk, acidity regulator(citric acid), natural flavouring, vitamins(A,D).