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Vegetarian Multi-Coloured and Multi-Veggie Pasta

This quick and simple Bertollini pasta dish is full of tasty veggies. The olive oil in Bertolli with Butter is ideal for sweating all the vegetables, and its creaminess works to bind the dish at the end. It also adds a delectable shine to the edges of the pasta cones, which fill with all the fresh summery vegetables. You could also use farfalle in this recipe as their ruffles are great for holding the sauce and come up just as shiny. Bellissimo!
Buy Bertollini here.
  • 15 minutes
  • Prep time10 minutes
  • 6 portions
recipe image Vegetarian Multi-Coloured and Multi-Veggie Pasta


  • 400 grams multi-coloured small Bertollini pasta cones (or farfalle)
  • 120 grams Bertolli buttery spread plus extra knob
  • 60 grams onion finely chopped
  • 1/2 red chilli finely chopped (optional)
  • 60 grams celery finely chopped
  • 60 grams carrots finely chopped
  • 60 grams fennel finely chopped
  • 60 grams fresh peas (podded weight)
  • 60 grams red peppers finely chopped
  • 60 grams courgette finely chopped
  • 60 grams asparagus tips finely chopped
  • 2 fresh artichoke hearts in water finely chopped
  • 60 grams beef tomatoes deseeded and finely chopped
  • 30 ml white wine
  • a little salt
  • a handful fresh mint finely chopped
  • a handful fresh basil finely chopped
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • grated Parmesan to serve

Nutritional Guidelines
(per serving)

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)


  1. Place a large saucepan of slightly salted water on the heat, bring to boil and cook the pasta for 2-3 minutes until “al dente”
  2. Meanwhile, melt Bertolli with Butter in a large frying pan on a medium heat, add onion, chilli, celery, carrot, fennel, peas and sweat for a minute. Add peppers, courgettes, asparagus & artichokes and continue to sweat for a further minute. Stir in a little salt.
  3. Add wine and a ladleful of hot water (you can use the cooking pasta water) and continue to cook for a couple of minutes. Drain the pasta, add to the vegetables, and stir in chopped tomato, mint & basil.
  4. Add lemon juice and a knob of Bertolli with Butter and toss well together. Remove from the heat and serve with some grated Parmesan if desired.